The 10 best tweets about APIs

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The 10 best tweets about APIs
The 10 best tweets about APIs


Twitter brings together influencers from the world of APIs. The widespread belief among them is that its rapid adoption may mark the difference between innovation and stagnation. Over the past days there has been talk about the benefits and challenges of implementing APIs in business. Here are the 10 best tweets about APIs, according to content and circulation.

Twitter brings together a wide range of experts, influencers and bloggers from the world of APIs, Big Data and the IoT. The widespread thought among the community of influencers of APIs on Twitter is that its rapid adoption may be what marks the difference between innovation and being outdated in the marketplace.

From improving customer experience to creating new products and services based on data analysis, APIs promise competitive advantages for companies that decide to incorporate them into their products. In the tweets, the importance of the collaboration between traditional banking and the FinTech world in creating open APIs that offer greater user satisfaction has been emphasized.

Here are the highlights of the last few days on Twitter:

1. @delizalde

Daniel Elizalde is the founder of TechProjectManagement. Through his Twitter profile he usually offers advice to his followers on the world of the Internet of Things (loT). The tweet includes a link to one of his published articles, which talks about the main benefits and challenges of open APIs and why product managers should treat an open API as a product rather than as a feature. This tweet had 130 retweets and 11 likes.

2. @Jim Marous 

Jim Marous is a lecturer and expert in the FinTech world. His tweet provides a link to one of his articles published in Financial Brand, where he analyses the impact of open APIs in banking. His article includes graphics, data and infographics explaining the subject. The tweet had 79 retweets and 69 likes.

3. @BetaList

BetaList provides its followers with the latest developments, news and trends about startups. The tweet gives access to a tool that measures the effectiveness of APIs. The tweet had 173 retweets and 14 likes.

4. @evankirstel

Evan Kirstel is an influencer of technology and social networks. He is considered one of the most mentioned and followed IT influencers on Twitter with more than 130 thousand followers in this social network. The tweet gives a brief history of APIs for the web as well as the key factors that have been instrumental in API growth. The tweet had 24 retweets and 20 likes.

5. @chboursin 

Christine Boursin is the regional delegate of development of Le Groupe La Poste. In her tweet she shares an infographic to give an idea of ​​the magnitude of the data existing today. The tweet had 59 retweets and 61 likes.

6. @JacBurns_Comext 

Jacqueline Burns is a specialist in e-commerce, innovation, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. In the tweet she shares an infographic summarizing 10 tips for the implementation of the Internet of Things. The tweet had 38 retweets and 19 likes.

7. @Bourseet Trading 

FinTech Trading Tech’s Twitter profile regularly shares news and digital trends. The tweet shows an infographic with 155 conversational chatbots. This post had 71 retweets and 80 likes.

8. @kdnuggets

KDnuggets collects information on big data, data analysis, data mining and machine learning. The tweet presents a list of 50 APIs from areas as diverse as those used for facial recognition or for making predictions. This post has achieved 37 retweets and 51 likes.

9. @psb_dc

Theo is an expert in market innovation and the tweet shows 5 graphics that explain the relationship and current situation between open APIs and banks. This post has achieved 30 retweets and 40 likes.

10. @SASsoftware

SASsoftware’s tweet provides a link to an article by the technology specialist, Gregor Herrmann. The article analyzes how APIs have had an impact on analytics. The tweet had a circulation of 15 retweets and 10 likes.

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