10 plugins to upload jQuery files

2 min reading
26 October 2016
10 plugins to upload jQuery files
10 plugins to upload jQuery files


1. Bootstrap File Input: simplifies the initialization of extensive code and improves the functionality of file input. This  plugin works with version 3 of Bootstrap, and the best part is that it displays images before downloading them on the server, so the user can see the image beforehand. 

2. Dropzone.js: an open source library for uploading drag and drop files and previewing thumbnails. It also allows you to specify the sizes of the images or rename files that are uploaded.

3FineUploader: an active and flexible upload tool written in JavaScript, but also exists as a jQuery plugin. Its features include simultaneous partition, redialing, editing the names of files and deleting them

4Formstone Upload: a front-end library that aids in the rapid development of web projects by abstracting modern web patterns that can be customized. One of its most important features is that it is responsive; its components are designed to ensure usability of use regardless of size. Furthermore, it is a  modular plugin that is automated and it can be personalized easily. 

5.jQuery.filer:  plugin with which any file can be designed through HTML, CSS or the templates that jQuery.filer includes by default. It allows you to manipulate your input through its API. To handle each upload request, it incorporates PHP. This plugin focuses on the user interface and has a modular architecture to easily enable or disable components. 

6. jQuery File Upload: such as Dropzone, this plugin offers many options for uploading files. It also includes prefabricated integrations for jQuery UI and Angular JS

7.jQuery HTML5 Uploader: through this plugin files can be dragged and dropped onto an item to then upload one or more files directly to the specified URL. The uploading function is divided into two asynchronous operations: the client-side files are loaded through the browser memory through the FileReader object, which allows asynchronous web applications to read the files that the user has on his or her computer. Moreover, the operation of the server is to send a string of binary files to postURL. 

8jQuery Upload File: for loading different types of files, such as images or location, quickly and easily. It allows you to build different user interfaces through custom templates. 

9Plupload: a great choice if you intend to start incorporating an out-of-the-box user interface. It doesn’t offer many customization options, but does provide several themes in different languages and regressions of Flash and Silverlight.

10Uploadify: this plugin can easily add file upload functionality on a website. It’s available in two versions: Flash and HTML5, which have flexibility to choose the right option for a particular website.

Sources: Sitepoint and Igloolab





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