How to Manage the Effects of the App-Data Gap

< 1 min reading
16 August 2016
How to Manage the Effects of the App-Data Gap
How to Manage the Effects of the App-Data Gap


One of the main productivity problems with applications is the so-called App-Data Gap, i.e. the slow speed in loading an app’s data when a user launches a request.

Six out of 10 company managers believe that an application’s loading speed is a key factor for improving or worsening their decision-making ability, according to a study by Nimble Storage.

Nearly half of those surveyed by Nimble Storage consider that they “waste” between 10 and 30 minutes of their time waiting for an application’s reply every day.

How to address this problem?

1. Simplified infrastructures. If the application has a complex storage infrastructure, it can “disrupt” the delivery of the data to the user when requested, because that information is not instantly available from the system.

2. Investment in predictive analysis technologies. It is true that it involves a higher cost, but a series of replies can be predicted automatically, thus preventing loading problems. With these ‘predictions’, a storage forecast can be made to enhance performance.

Application developers should take into account the consequences of slow data loading in their projects, so applying a number of improvements in their implementations can be critical to the app’s success among users.

Source: Nimble Storage

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