Ten Twitter accounts to keep up to date with APIs

There’s no better platform than Twitter for keeping up with developments and changes in a number of professional fields. To keep up to date in the world of APIs, you can save a lot of time if you follow certain accounts, in addition to serving as an interesting stimulus.
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Ten Twitter accounts to keep up to date with APIs
Ten Twitter accounts to keep up to date with APIs


There’s no better platform than Twitter for keeping up with developments and changes in a number of professional fields. To keep up to date in the world of APIs, you can save a lot of time if you follow certain accounts, in addition to serving as an interesting stimulus.

There’s no better platform than Twitter for keeping up with developments, advances and changes in a number professional fields. The network’s capacity for microblogging to create a constant flow of information is considered by most people to be priceless. The development world, specifically that of the APIs, is a good example. You can find multiple profiles to follow on the Twittersphere to get good information either directly or through retweets.

1.- @w3c

W3C, the initials of the World Wide Web Consortium, is a work group formed by professionals from institutions and companies who are charged with developing technologies, specifications and protocols to guide the open web and its component parts.

This account provides updated content featuring new ideas and the most recent news on the development of standards and the APIs that will make them possible.

2.- @Mashape

One of the most popular services for finding points of connection between APIs also has one of the most interesting Twitter profiles. By following Mashape you can not only learn everything about their services but you can also get links to in-depth documentation on APIs and microservices.

3.- @ProgrammableWeb

This is undeniably the world’s most popular news website on APIs, standards and protocols. If you follow this Twitter account you can stay up to date with information on the APIs you already know as well as discovering many others with which to expand your horizons as a developer.

An API is only as powerful as the set of other APIs with which it can interconnect, and on ProgrammableWeb you can always learn something that will help you come up with new ideas and ways of doing projects.

4.- @3Scale

3scale.net is a platform that allows API providers to manage their services conveniently. It’s incredibly useful. On their Twitter account, in addition to discussing improvements in the platform and resolving queries, you can find more information about the most interesting technologies on the market, information about conferences, and links to new science and research articles.

5.- @BankInnovation

We don’t need to explain that financial technology is the future, and much less that financial APIs are at the center of the revolution. The Twitter account of Bank Innovation, a fintech startup accelerator, offers an incredible amount of information on the banking and technology market.

If you work in finance or the IT sector, you’ll find it very useful to stay informed about the most buoyant IT markets.

6.- @OpenApiSpec

Like W3C, OAI is a work group focusing on the standardization and promotion of neutral APIs capable of interconnecting in an open and simple way.

Following this account –supported by industry big-hitters such as IBM and Microsoft– will add vital information to your timeline every day: conferences, best practices and new APIs to discover and adopt.

7.- @ApiAcademy

One of the sites with the best learning resources to ensure your knowledge stays fresh. Methods, protocols, practices and new programming styles to discover, and resources to improve what you already know. A must.

8.- @ApiWorld

The largest international conference focused exclusively on the integrated economy has a Twitter account that’s active all year round. In addition to keeping up with all the news and new methods, you’ll find out when tickets go on sale for the next conference in September and –if you’re quick off the mark– get them at a good price. This is a great way of continuing your professional training and meeting interesting people in the sector.

9.- @Fabric

Now part of the Google ecosystem, Fabric was a set of tools created by Twitter to make life easier for developers. With Fabric you’ll get advance notice of all the new tools, automation and integration possible for your apps.

10.- @TwitterAPI

Twitter’s API is definitely one of the most complete, widely used and useful in the world. Its official account announces changes and improvements, and distributes links to libraries and frameworks so you can take maximum advantage of them.

There are numerous ideas for using this API, and numerous possibilities for integration with your platforms and businesses.

Bonus: @BBVAApiMarket

BBVA’s Market API Twitter account offers resources, links, interviews, documentation and articles on the financial sector in Spanish and English for IT and fintech professionals, so you can make sure you miss nothing.

What’s more, you’ll always be the first to know when BBVA’s financial APIs are updated or receive new methods. This is essential if you work in the technology or financial information sector.

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