Webinar: Jesús Cepeda – Tehuan project – CIC MX

In this online session, Jesús Cepeda will speak about the interesting work he is carrying out in the Tehuan project for Mexico's Center for Citizen Integration, within the context of open data visualization and use in InnovChallenge MX.

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22 October 2014
Webinar: Jesús Cepeda – Tehuan project – CIC MX

Summary of the event


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URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2131632350530201346

Tehuan, meaning "Us" in Náhuatl, is a pilot initiative that intends to promote citizen participation by offering a platform to divulge information associated with matters of interest for the community. It not only collects and stores information on matters of significance for citizens, but also allows citizens to receive real time news through mobile applications and social networks and provides a historical analysis of the stored reports in its website section.

In short, the Tehuan project goes beyond the concept of citizen reporters by not only providing an easy way for citizens to communicate their concerns to other citizens and the authorities, but also by allowing free access to geo-referenced information for online analysis and downloading via its open data and development devices.

In this online session, Jesús Cepeda will speak about the interesting work he is carrying out in the Tehuan project for Mexico's Center for Citizen Integration, within the context of open data visualization and use in InnovChallenge MX, on October 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish time), or 12:00 p.m. in Mexico.



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22 October 2014

