MODAClouds: EU project to help with cloud-based development

2 min reading
Digital transformation / 07 December 2015
MODAClouds: EU project to help with cloud-based development
MODAClouds: EU project to help with cloud-based development


From October 2012 to September 2015, the MODAClouds project was working on the idea of a model-driven approach for the design and execution of applications on multiple clouds. With funding from the European Commission, the project brought together various technology companies from throughout the old continent under the coordination of Politecnico di Milano.

Improving the agility of cloud-based ecosystems was the project's maxim until it was completed in September 2015. To achieve its main objective, MODAClouds sought to provide methodology, open source IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics or the electronic interface that mediates between the computer's buses and disk storage devices) and a runtime environment for a high-level design and rapid prototyping through generating semi-automatic code and automatic deployment of applications in multiclouds with guaranteed quality of service.

Approaching development from models, risk analysis and qualitative prediction allows developers to specify models that are independent from their cloud-based service provider. These are enriched with quality parameters, monitoring applications in runtime and the subsequent possibility of improvement based on feedback.

This project has consequently managed to patch up the historical failure between design and runtime, while providing data and synchronization mapping techniques between multiple clouds.

In short, the innovations offered by the project can be reduced to three:

– Simplifying the choice of cloud-based service provider favoring the rise of European clouds.

– Avoiding relying on a single provider through the development of future Internet-enabled applications for the cloud.

– Providing quality assurance to the applications in its lifecycle, while facilitating migrations between different clouds.

This list of advantages will be of most benefit to SMEs. For them to be able to implement it a compendium of tools has been published to guide developers online across the cloud. This compendium shows the technological advances of the MODAClouds project while allowing developers to solve the most common problems that arise when trying to develop services based on cloud ecosystems.

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