API World: Payments

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APIs in selling: the final push

Taking a customer through the entire buying process until it is formalized is an arduous journey and one that faces the constant possibility of the customer leaving. However, there are ways to make the buying decision happen if you are given facilities such as agile, secure financing.

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Smartphone use consolidates its upward trend on payment platforms

The mass use of smartphones and other mobile devices, coupled with the outstanding growth of e-commerce, has displaced cash as the preferred means of payment (increasingly more residual). The figures speak for themselves. In Spain, the use of mobile payment apps grew by 30% in the second quarter of 2019, according to the Estudio General […]

Payments / 29 June 2020
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APIs, a key tool for mobile payments

APIs are an essential tool to boost the mobile payment market. Companies are able to easily implement complex financial solutions from other businesses, which were outside their reach until recently. Here is a list of entities with interesting API catalogs for mobile payments.

APIs, Payment gateway, Payments / 28 January 2020
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