API World: APIs. Page 4

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APIs as virtual printing presses: news for all

Why just read the news when you can hack it? This is how The New York Times encourages developers to dabble among the APIs offered by the great 'Gray Lady' of journalism. If, at the end of the day, these represent the technology par excellence through which computers communicate, how can it not impact the communication industry par excellence?

APIs, Business development / 20 February 2020
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Benefits and applications of Big Data

The consultants Mckinsey highlight the four ways Big Data can generate value for any industry: First, Big Data generates value by making information transparent and relatively easy to use. Second, by creating and storing more transactional data in a digital form, organizations can gather more accurate and detailed information –from inventories to days taken off work–, thus improving performance. In fact, […]

APIs, Digital transformation / 06 February 2020
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