API World: Banking as a service. Page 3

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Open banking: new challenges and job opportunities

Hay quien lo llama ‘revolución’, otros prefieren definirlo como ‘evolución’. Sea como fuere, la fuerte transformación que vive el sector bancario impulsada por la entrada en vigor en noviembre de 2018 de la directiva europea sobre servicios de pago digitales PSD2, lleva aparejada un cambio en los perfiles profesionales que demanda la industria.

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Open banking: as it was in 2018, as it will be in 2019

They say 2018 was the year of open banking. While 2019 will be the year in which it puts down roots. With nearly twelve months having passed since European Directive PSD2 was introduced back in March, in 2019 we will see whether the open banking concept represents evolution or revolution. The opportunity is immense, collaboration is critical, and trust is key, but customers must be given incentives to embrace the new concept.


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BBVA: open banking pioneer

Open banking is transforming the way we understand finance. This revolution is opening the door to a world of collaboration and opportunities, generating value for customers and new business models. "Open banking is going to improve people's lives. Their digital lives as well as those that are not so digital," Ricardo Segoviano, Head of BBVA API Market, recently explained.


Five lessons on open banking from the UK

Five lessons on open banking from the UK

In recent years, the United Kingdom has become one of the strongest supporters of open banking worldwide. It all started when HM Treasury decided to create a working group on this matter in 2015; then, one and half years ago, an entity was created to handle the transition; and, in January 13, 2018 standards were implemented and the UK is now at the forefront of open banking.

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